This post shows how you can call a pl/sql stored procedure from ADF business component. Here I have shown three scenario -> a. how you can call a procedure which does not have any input and output parameter, b.
calling a procedure which has only input parameter but no output parameter and c. calling a procedure with both i/p and o/p parameter.
calling a procedure which has only input parameter but no output parameter and c. calling a procedure with both i/p and o/p parameter.
Double click on your existing application module component. Select the Java node. Now select the Application Module Class: AppModuleImpl > Generate Java File selectbox. Click ok. Double click on Application Module Implementation java file [The file with “Impl” name]. A Java file will open.
Calling a Procedure without Input and Output Parameter
Let’s take one simple procedure without Input and Output parameter like the following one ->
procedure sampleProcedure is
insert into address (name,phone) values ('d','d');
end sampleProcedure;
For calling this procedure, write one method in your class as follows ->
public void callStoreprocedureWithoutInput() {
String stmt = "begin SAMPLEPROCEDURE; end;";
PreparedStatement st = null;
try {
st = getDBTransaction().createPreparedStatement(stmt, 0);
} catch (Exception e) {
Suppose we have a simple procedure which takes some Input parameters.
PROCEDURE SAMPLEPROCEDURE4(nm varchar2,ph varchar2) as
insert into Address (Name,Phone) values (nm,ph);
For calling this procedure write one method in your class as follows ->
public void callStoredProcedureWithInput(String name, String phone) {
PreparedStatement st = null;
Object[] bindVariables={name,phone};
try {
st=getDBTransaction().createPreparedStatement("begin SAMPLEPROCEDURE4(?,?) ;end;", 0);
if (bindVariables != null) {
for (int z = 0; z < bindVariables.length; z++) {
st.setObject(z + 1, bindVariables[z]);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new JboException(e);
} finally {
if (st != null) {
try {
// 5. Close the statement
} catch (SQLException e) {
Here we have added the bind variables in PreparedStatement using setObject() function. After that we have executed the query.
Calling a Procedure with Input and Output Parameters
Suppose we have a package where our function Function1 is defined as follows ->
package newPackage is
-- Public function and procedure declarations
function Function1(p_name varchar2) return varchar2;
end newPackage;
For calling this procedure write one method in your class as follows ->
public String callStoreProcedureWithInputOutput(String name){
CallableStatement st = null;
try {
String stmt = "begin newPackage.Function1(?); end;";
st = getDBTransaction().createCallableStatement(stmt,0);
System.out.println(" 1 "+st.getString(3));
return st.getString(3);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new JboException(e);
} finally {
if (st != null) {
try {
}catch (SQLException e) {}
Exposing Application Module Codes in Presentation/View Layer
Double click on Application Module component. Select Client Interface node. Place all available written method in selected site.
Now, in your data control pallet, you can see the available methods.
Now drag and drop each method with its Input and output parameters on a JSF page. Use adf:form for input items. Now, run the page and see the result.
If you have query or any further information please leave a comment. If possible I’ll try to resolve those.
More oracle ADF tutorials are here Oracle ADF
Hi, I try do this with a stored procedure , but I can't get stored the data in a DataBase relationship.
I need urgent do that, can you help me please ??
Please visit this thread I post in oracle forums for help.
u can store data in database relationship. but, Mr. frank Nimphius mentioned in the forum, why do u need that? U can use entity object in more efficient way for that.
Hi: I get the following message when trying to run callStoreProcedureWithInputOutput:
PLS-00221: 'Function1' is not a procedure or is undefined. Seems that a procedure is expected instead of a function. Is there a resolution? Thanks.
You can write the same thing in procedure instead of a function. What's the problem?
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