Oracle RMAN Tutorial Part 2 BACKUP OPERATION

Full database backup using RMAN

RMAN> backup as backupset database spfile;
RMAN> sql 'alter system archive log current';

Now, check the backup using following command.
RMAN> list backup by backup;

tablespace backup
RMAN> backup as backupset tablespace <ts name>;

datafile backup
RMAN> backup as backupset datafile 'dbf file location>;

Full Image copy of database
RMAN> backup as copy database;

control file and spfile backup
RMAN> backup current controlfile spfile;

Incremental backup

Full incremental backup is mentioned as "level 0". Use the following command for full backup.
RMAN> backup incremental level 0 as compressed backupset database;

next incremental backupup are called "level 1". This backups can be differential or cumulative. 
RMAN> backup incremental level 1 as compressed backupset database;
RMAN> backup incremental level 1 as compressed backupset cumulative database;

Validate backup taken by RMAN
RMAN> backup validate database archivelog all;

Oracle RMAN Tutorial Part 1 Creating and configuring RMAN repository

Oracle RMAN Tutorial Part 2 BACKUP OPERATION

Oracle RMAN Tutorial Part 3 Recovery Operation

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